Tuesday, June 4, 2013

BEWARE! Hurricane 2013 is here!

Floridians & East Coasters...tis' the season to be prepared for the WORST!!

Whether it is a Cat 1 or a Cat 4, you need to be ready for anything and everything that these destructive storms can throw at you. We have seen the media plaster the pictures of damage from past storms such as Hurricane Sandy,Katrina, Wilma, Andrew, as well as aftermath of Oklahoma tornado devastation. As a Floridian, we learn to take it as it comes, but we tend to not blink at a smaller storms. The problem with that is you cannot predict mother natures plan. As a homeowner you cannot take the risk, you are protecting not only your family, but also your investment. So ask your self...

Am I ready? 
Here are a few questions to ask yourself...

What is the plan for my family? Will we evacuate or stay home?
Are we in a flood zone? Will we HAVE to?

Evacuating? Where to? What is the best route?
           Will your pets be able to accompany us? Is a pet friendly hotels an option?

Is my home ready?
- Is my roof up-to-date & secure?
- What about storm shutters? generator?
- Yard debris free?

How is our Emergency Supply Kit? Stocked: Food? Water? Batteries? First Aid? 

Is my insurance current? What are my deductibles? 
Do I have a current inventory of my home and boat?
Pictures/Video of each room and all of the contents?

What will I do with my boat/waverunner?
On a trailer? Will it fit in my garage?
In a marina? What are the dockage policies for storms? Is there a Hurricane Club?
What does the Coast Guard dockmaster advise

What to be prepared for?
-Loss of electricity
-No roof
-Severe water damage
-No way to get money out of bank
-No credit cards
-No grocery store/ gas station
-No car- debris blocking streets
-No phones (land or cell)
-No trees
-Not recognizing surroundings
-$5 bags of ice
-lost personal belongings
-Warlike setting with military presence
-Extreme heat and no way to cool off
-Out of home possibly for weeks
-Not able to work

Let your smart phone help:
American Red Cross
American Red Cross: Hurricane
American Red Cross: Tornado
American Red Cross: Shelter

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